IW Foundation Health Library:
Infectious Diseases and Parasites

IWs are just as susceptible to infectious and tick-borne diseases as any dog, but canine influenza can be especially dangerous because of the risk of related pneumonia. If your dog is coughing or has nasal discharge, not only should he see a vet, but you should not take him anywhere where he will be in contact with other dogs, as canine influenza is highly contagious. 

Further Reading

Links provided here provide Irish Wolfhound-specific, sighthound, and/or general canine information relevant to Irish Wolfhounds.

Disclaimer: The Irish Wolfhound Foundation provides the information on this website for the education of its readers. No information on this website should be used for veterinary medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically, or otherwise. Consult a veterinarian before attempting to medically treat your dog or changing your dog's medical treatment.

Note: Links to content outside iwfoundation.org may become inactive over time.

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